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  • Ann Dvorak

Rock County Community Fund Grants $7,700 to Local Entities

Established in 2014, the Rock County Community Fund exists to serve as a leader and catalyst in developing solutions and financial resources to meet the immediate and retention needs of Rock County. Since its inception, the Fund has grown an unrestricted endowment which each year allows a certain amount of the interest to be granted to benefit the community. This money is given to non-profit or 501(3)(c) organizations. Organizations can apply for grant money twice a year on June 1 and November 1. The granting committee reviews applications and makes a recommendation to the Rock County Community Fund Directors on how the money should be allocated. The RCCF is pleased to award four entities money to put towards their endeavors: Miles of Smiles, Bassett Arts Council, North Central Knights Wrestling Program, and Rock County Growth, Inc.

The North Central District Health Department was awarded $1000 to put towards their Miles of Smiles program in Rock County. This program provides oral health screenings and fluoride treatments to an average of 93% of students in Rock County's elementary schools.

The Bassett Arts Council received a grant of $1500 to put towards their Artists in Residence program. This program brings various artists to the the community to spend time educating in the schools but also beyond - possibly utilizing the Old Feed Store Art Center. The residences often times also have a public performance.

The North Central Knights Wrestling Team received $1200 to put towards their program. They plan to use the money for individual and team camps as well as for equipment. Because the program has been recently renewed, this grant will help them get started on their way to building a fund for their use.

Rock County Growth, Inc's Housing Committee received a $4000 grant to put towards a housing study for the city of Bassett. The study will provide legal options for the enforcement of ordinances, allowing housing solutions for Rock County and improving the overall image of the community.

It is exciting to see this money being invested back into the community! If you would like to learn more about Rock County Community Fund, donate to the endowment, or learn more about the granting process, please feel free to visit our website @

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