Live performances are here! Thanks to the Rock County Community Fund and North Central Youth Athletic Club for generous donations which will cover all of our up-front costs involved with livestreaming for Rock County Public Schools. The costs involved were a major roadblock for the district in getting this done and these two organizations stepped up and allowed us to get all of the equipment we will need in order to put together a quality livestream for our patrons to enjoy athletic, fine arts, and other events which occur at the school. We were able to purchase two cameras and all of the necessary accessories to have a good quality production for our events. You will be able to find links to the events on our website and app.
As you all know, COVID has forced us to do things a little differently at Rock County Public Schools this year. Right now, we are asking students and staff to pitch in and wipe down desks, chairs, and other hard surfaces multiple times throughout the day. We are also all getting our temperatures taken at a minimum of twice per day in order to help monitor for symptoms and keep sick people out of the buildings to cut down on the spread. Lunch times are looking different as we have split our grade school lunch into two sessions in order to distance our kids at the tables. All personnel in the buildings are expected to wear a mask and wear it appropriately, which can be a battle some days. We are asking our teachers to teach students in their classrooms as well as students who are at home due to isolation or quarantining due to COVID. Rock County Public School teachers have also taught from home at times due to isolation or quarantine orders from the health department this year.
Not to mention, we are only allowed 25% capacity and household members only in our buildings for events, which is the driving force behind the need for the livestreaming equipment made available by Rock County Community Fund and NCYAC. Information and guidance have been changing fairly rapidly this fall, and we are doing our best to keep up with everything while making decisions based on what we feel is best for our students and staff. Unfortunately, COVID doesn’t just hit physically, it has hit us all mentally. We are trying to maintain balance between what is best for our staff and students physically to keep them safe and healthy, while also keeping in mind what is best for them mentally as well as educationally. We feel it is best to keep kids and staff in the buildings as much as possible as it is best for both groups mentally and it is best for the students academically. We cannot thank the students, parents, staff, and community enough for all of the support that has been shown and given during these times.